● wethering paint ( by Enamel)

Step 1

The black color of the enamel paints of TAMIYA is thinned with a solvent.
The paints are poured into a surface concave portion.
It needs careful writing brush work.
And paints are dried for one day.

Then, only a few wipes off the surface by the brush in which only the solvent was included.
And most paints are removed.

Step 2

Wiping off paints was finished.

By this work, the line of paints becomes thin and it serves as a very exact impression.

Step 3

Work of a step 2 is an effect on a part for a concave portion.
The next work is an effect on the surface.

First, the color which mixed the black and brown of enamel is put on the surface.

Step 4

In the next stage, only a solvent is included in a brush.
And a brush is moved downward and a paint is diffused.

Step 5

The both sides of paints are wiped off by a dry brush.
A brush is moved from down toward a top.
The form of the painted portion is prepared by this work.


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